Discover our state-of-the-art aesthetic solutions.

Total rehabilitation of the upper and lower jaw

#Veneers, #Tabletops, #Crowns, #Gumgrafting

· Vertical shortening of the lower third of the face due to loss of tooth structure caused by acid exposure and teeth grinding

· Unattractive aesthetics, torn and inflamed corners of the mouth and jaw joint problems (CMD)

Treatment: Total rehabilitation of the upper and lower jaw with ceramic veneers, tabletops and crowns | Aesthetic correction of excessively visible gums | Realigning the bite to protect the temporomandibular joints | Aesthetic reconstruction with a new tooth colour, tooth shape and tooth length

Duration: 4 sessions within 4 months

Aesthetic treatment of disproportionate tooth sizes

#No-Prep-Veneers, #Gumgrafting

Disproportionate tooth sizes with slight gaps

Treatment: Aesthetic restoration with six 0.4mm thin no-prep veneers | Gum grafting to adjust the gum line

Duration: 2 sessions within 4 weeks

"We want you to fall in love with yourself again."

smiling can be so easy.